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TV and Movies
Old Is New - Chaoticas Review of Star Trek Voyager

Yes, I have too much free time and hate myself.

At some point I'd realized that I hadn't watched every single Star Trek series that had been made. I consider myself a Star Trek nerd, and having a touch of OCD, I felt like it was my duty in life to finish watching all of them. I arbitrarily decided to start with Star Trek Enterprise, and the first couple of seasons it was pretty terrible. It got better towards the end, and was pretty solid before they canceled it.

Then I decided to move on to Voyager. Most people's first reaction was, "Why do you hate yourself?" Someone else suggested they list the maybe 15 episodes worth watching. I probably should have listened.

No, I really can't make this crap up.

At first, Harry Kim was sort of endearing. The new, green guy, fumbling around, trying to learn how to act in the real world situations he was dumped in. Unfortunately, after a while, every time Harry came on screen I wanted to punch him in the face. He just never seemed to learn how to be a grownup.


And Chakotay, man you can practically feel the writers being pissed off at the actor. He started doing less and less as the seasons progressed. I expected them to put a headdress on him, give him a box of cigars, and ask him to pretend to be one of those old school cigar store Indian guys.

Let's not forget Captain Mind Meld. I mean seriously Tuvok, how many times are you going to do this with disastrous results before you stop pushing your brain where it doesn't belong? You'd think he'd definitely learn the lesson after that meld with the on board psychopath makes him a raging nutter, but hey, try try again! I will say, nice touch making a Betazoid a murderer. That broke my brain for a little bit.

I have to also express my rageface at the fact that they kept abusing time travel. Honestly, part of my unhappiness with Enterprise was the idiotic time travel arc that spanned the first two seasons. It was such a pointless, grating mechanic, most of the time I wanted to throw something at the television. I didn't get any happier with Voyager's time travel shenanigans. The episode where they got pewpewed by a 29th century Starfleet dumbass, or where Kes lived backwards, or the one where 15 years older Chakotay and Kim fix their mistake with magically recovered Borg toys, or really, any of them. What's the point? You do a bunch of crap that magically vanishes at the end of the episode. How thrilling!

I didn't really think about it much at the time, but they even started repeating plots within the series itself. Oh my goodness, Paris is convicted of a murder he didn't commit! Tuvok must investigate! (Season 1, episode 7) Oh my goodness, Torres thought something on a planet of telepaths and was convicted of a murder she didn't commit! Tuvok must investigate! (Season 4, Episode 10) ...no. Seriously. You can't rip off from yourself. That's just jacked. And how many times is Voyager going to be disabled and boarded, to be hijacked by the Evil Aliens(TM). Let's see season 2 22 and 23 (it was a two parter), season 3 episode 8, season 3 episode 20. Twice in one freaking season?! What the hell were you people on!? Let's not forget the number of times they had things stolen from them. You know why you guys have to keep stopping to resupply? You suck at keeping your stuff on board. Maybe you should learn to fly around with forcefields or shields around the cargo bays, I'm just saying.

I will tell you I cheered when they finally killed Seska. Not because I hated the char... ok that's a lie. I hated the character. But frankly, it meant the Kazon were finally gone. Not only did their hair scare me, but it was confusing to watch Voyager constantly have problems with this supposedly "technologically inferior" species. Are they? Really? They seem to pretty regularly kick your ass.

Oh god, not in the face!!!

Then we get to season 3 and the Borg. I'm not going to lie to you. The Borg scare the shit out of me. They still do, to this day. The core concept of a group that can't be negotiated with and just takes everything from you, including your identity, is terrifying. Kudos to the Next Generation writers on this one. Then the Voyager writers pulled out this biological hyper-badass that scares the Borg. They are so scared of death, they even start cooperating for a little bit. Except, they weren't really scary. They had seriously hardcore guns, but I mean, they get totally pussified in Season 5. Which is it? Hyper-badass or scared people protecting themselves? I am no longer scared of species 8472.  I mean, come on. I get that the Borg are really great enemies and all, but you're in WEST NOWHERE. With all of these brand new species that nobody has ever seen before. What in the crap are you doing recycling things from Next Generation and Deep Space Nine? You had a tabula rasa, why did you not use it!?

I flat out skipped the World War 2 episodes in the Holodeck in Season 4, at this point I'd rather had it with that crap. I realize that the holodeck was their only source of entertainment being trapped in West Nowhere, but I am beyond tired of boring, sets with reused dumb story lines. Someone falling in love with a Hologram? How novel. A holodeck, in a holodeck, in a holodeck? That never happens! Oh, except in two or three episodes of Next Generation. With Moriarty. But you know, details.

The beginning of season 4 made me want to choke Janeway in sheer irritation. They had the information to avoid the Year of Hell, and yet somehow, they ended up doing it all anyway. Dear Dumbass: You had the solution in your computer, in a log, that Kes wrote, the whole time. Suck less. Let's not forget her raging emo QQ fit at the start of season 5. Look lady, you knew you were going to be screwed for the long haul when you made your decision, and that the likelihood of you finding a wormhole was pretty much nil. For someone who frequently cries "I must do the best thing for my crew!" having a pity party in her quarters for two months when the crew morale was horrible seems more than a little out of character.

Speaking of season 4, to be honest, I think aside from the T&A factor, Seven of Nine was introduced so they could use some story lines that they didn't get to use in Next Generation when Picard came back from being Locutus. Speaking of random TNG throwbacks, I did appreciate the couple of episodes with Q and Barclay, I really did. Unfortunately, it seemed to further underscore the fact that Voyager just could never stand on its' own legs.

There were a couple of interesting episodes in Season 5. One dealt with depression, another the ethics of using medical research that was acquired through horrific experimentation on living subjects.  Looking forward at the plot synopsis available for the episodes I haven't watched yet, it looks like yet again I get to watch Voyager be taken over, more Holodeck BS, and some more shitty time travel. A race that communicates through the holodeck!? What a great idea! In fact, you already used it a couple of seasons ago! WOO!

THERE ARE... SEVEN ...SEASONS...Frankly, I just don't give a damn about any of these characters. I would be sad about things happening to the characters during Next Generation, and once in a while on Enterprise. I mean, I threatened to find whoever wrote the Porthos being sick episode and mail them daily bags of dog poo if the dog died. I haven't finished watching Voyager through to season 7, but I think if they randomly decided to kill say, Chakotay, I wouldn't care. Well, ok, I might care a little. It was rather morbidly interesting to watch the writers leave him there not really doing anything. But I digress. They could send the ship home on auto pilot at this point, and I'd be cheering the ship on so it would just be over. From what I've been told about the last episode, that's basically what they do.

Sometimes I am sad that there's no Star Trek on TV right now. It was nice to see women doing highly technical things at a time when people kept saying that girls were bad at math and science. Now? I don't think the people that have been touching and helming the series for a long time have the ability to make characters like Gene Roddenberry did when he started TNG. They just don't seem to have the same relateable feeling to them that the TNG characters did. Maybe I'm just spoiled having grown up with TNG, but I am truly shocked that they left Voyager on air for seven seasons.

This show is gagh!