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ReRoll wants to map your world (digitally)!



ReRoll - a survival action RPG - is being produced by start-up studio Pixyul and aims to give gamers a true open world experience.  How open?  How about a total, accurate reproduction of the planet Earth?  Yes, really.


Read on to find out more.

Led by a pair of former developers from Ubisoft (Julien Cuny) and Electronic Arts (Louis-Pierre Pharand), Pixyul is using robotic, laser-mapping drones to scan and map the face of our planet, one square kilometer at a time, and recreating it digitally in what could be the most ambitious gaming project in the industry to date.  This recreation will also, according to Pixyul, come with accurate, real-time weather effects and temperature changes that will affect your character wherever they happen to be in the game world.  Real world New York in the grip of an epic sleet storm, and your character is somewhere within the boarders of the state?  You'll see the same thing in-game.


Super realism aside, ReRoll's hook as a gaming title puts a twist on our world; human society is "going down the drain", to quote the developers, with massive economic decline, disease, starvation, and natural disasters ravaging man's homeworld and forcing people to survive by any means necessary.  You'll not only have to be weary of your fellow man, but also hostile mutants (yet to be detailed) and wild animals that no longer fear man and my actively hunt him.  In order to survive this hostile world, you'll need determination, luck and skill.  But before you GET that skill to survive, you'lll need to scavange.


"Before being able to hunt, capture or grow your own food, you’ll have to scavenge or steal what’s around.  That means constantly looking over your shoulder while doing those rounds. Because, the last thing you want is to be on the receiving end of somebody's arrow or bullet. Worst, being chased by those weird mutants that are just getting more aggressive as days goes by."


In order to make this hugely ambitious idea a reality, Pixyul hopes you and other gamers will support the game via crowd funding or "Gaming Angels" - a loosely-based version of the popular Business Angels funding model - by purchasing a starter pack, each of which is linked to one of the Gamer Angel tiers of rewards.


Interested?  Then be sure to hit up the links I've embedded in this news piece and decide for yourself.  And be sure to give the youtube vid I've added a look as well.