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Revel 9 - All I've Become - Song of the Month for May

It's that special time of the month where we bring you one of the greatest accolades known to rock and roll. The Split Infinity Song of the Month. This month brings you ISP highlight band, Revel 9 as discovered by DJ Krystl. Their song, All I've Become a veritible tour-de-force of solid rock, top notch melodies and so much more, and is the real stand out track from their debut album, The Razorblade Diaries.

This song will be your friend for the month. Check it out on Split Infinity Radio and of course, if you can't wait for that check out the video below. And if you like what you hear hit them up on the links below and tell them who sent you.



Website - http://www.revel9.com

Twitter - http://twitter.com/REVEL9

Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/REVEL9