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Red Dead Redemption Teased...

Sunday, a day usually associated with boredom, not much on TV, the dread of returning to work on Monday, and for many, the jubilation of the kids going back to school on Monday. 

However, for me Sunday means NFL, it means videogames, it means lying in bed until midday and do wing the sqaure root of nothing all day long. But today, something happened. Something exciting, and something that'll have the cowboys of the internet whoopin' and hollerin' as they head 'em up and move 'em out in anticipation of a certain confirmation that will likely/hopefully come over the next week. 

Rockstar Games have seemingly done a GTA V. Remember when they teased us with a single image, set the internet on fire and exciited us more than we knew was possible? Well, they've done it again. Their Twitter, Facebook and website have changed their header graphics into a single red image with a R* logo in the middle. Not all that disimilar to the logo of Red Dead Redemption.

While this isn't official confirmation, it certainly is one hell of a teaser for a much anticipated game. And from a publisher that has form for this kind of titilation. So, there you have it, Red Dead Redemption 2 is finally a reality. 

Give me your best "YeeeeeHaaaah!" and polish up that saddle. We'll have news on this as it comes in, but for now enjoy the image and the notion of Wild West fun times in our future....